19 May 2007


Ok, here is the Andersonville prison site itself. Like Gettysburg, Antietam, Shiloh, and many others, Andersonville is synonomous with the Civil War and infamous for what happened here. It is regarded as the most deadly Civil War prison camp due to its size and time of operation. And while prison camps anywhere in the country were terrible, many in the South were more so because of the lack of food, medicine, and other vital supplies. At the site, a corner of the prison has been reconstructed, as seen from the outside here and inside below. The walls were wood logs stuck in the ground, with guard nests or "pigeon roosts" on top. Inside was what was known as the "dead zone", approximately five feet from the walls, marked by a simple waist high fence, where any prisoner would be shot if he crossed. Prisoners made small shelters out of any material they had or could find, making a rough looking tent city. Some of these are also recreated, as seen below.

This photo is taken from the other end of the site. Note the reconstructed corner far in the distance, and the white posts marking where the prison wall and the "dead zone" fence were.
This is the reconstruction of the entrance gate to the prison.
This is the "star fort" at one corner of the site. While there are earthen fortifications around the site, this one in particular is the largest and has the clearest shot for canon to fire into the prison, vice an attacking army.
This is the site viewed from the fort. The stone marker for the nearest corner of the prison is visible in the right corner, with the reconstructed gate to the left and the reconstructed corner on the hill.

This is Providence Spring, where on August 14, 1864 during a heavy rainstorm, this spring suddenly burst open giving fresh water to the desparate prisoners.
Is this the remains of a well or an escape tunnel?
Below is a monument there to all the Union soldiers who suffered and died here. Below it are monuments erected by Tennessee, Ohio, Massachusetts, Michigan, Rhode Island, and Wisconsin. The last one is to Clara Barton, who was instrumental in identifying many of the soldiers buried in the cemetary.

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