21 May 2007

Kolomoki Mounds

Ok, this where I spent the night, and the next day started out by seeing aroung the park. The Kolomoki mounds were built by Swift Creek and Weeden Island Indians between 250 and 980 AD. The largest of which, the temple mound, is shown above. On the far side, a modern set of stairs allows visitors to climb the massive mound. It is believed a primitive set of stairs had existed there when the Indians head priest lived in a hut atop the mound.
The park's museum covers part of an excavated mound, allowing a rare look inside one of the burial mounds. You can see the elaborate patterns of large rocks and how the bodies were arranged arround the central pit. The bones, however, are not real. They are recreations, placed exactly how the real bones were found. The original bones were respectfully reburied in one of the other mounds.
Some examples of the amazingly detailed pottery found in the mounds.

Near life size diorama of how archeologists believe a burial ceremony would have looked.

This was a ceremonial mound made of white clat over black loam.
This mound was never excavated because it was the family cemetary of the Mercier family, who previously owned the property. It is not known for certain if this is an Indian mound, or was created later.

This picture is a montage made of several pictures, showing the view from the top of the massive temple mound.
This is the second largest mound viewed from atop the temple mound. This mound was also a burial mound, but was also the most complexly constructed, using many logs in its construction.
The purpose of this unusual mound was never truly determined. Its construction lends to its being used for ceremonies involving the nearby temple mound.
This low, flat, mound was made of various colored clay and was full of potholes and other evidence that it was usedfor ritual activity, such as making pottery.
A thistle (it was pretty)

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