11 July 2008

Dance on Sunset Crater

Ok, this is Sunset Crater, north of Flagstaff. We made a quick stop here to let the kid crawl around for a while before the long drive to Page. Erupting around 1050 AD, it was the area's most recent volcanic eruption. Its biggest effects are seen at nearby Wupatki National Monument, an ancient Sinaguan community. They were forced to move away by the eruptions, but returned around 1100 to farm in the nutrient rich volcanic soil. Sunset Crater national Moument was established in 1930 to protect the fragile volcanic landscape from looters and movie makers who wanted to turn it into a movie set. And these pictures are mine. All mine!
I found a volcano rock!
A seismograph reading from the recent earthquake in China.
Picking out what book he wants. *sniff* Makes daddy so proud!

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